Tracked flips of:Radely

Total Profit:-13,681,055 Coins

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✿ Ancient Maxor's Boots ✪✪✪✪✪➋
-13,681,055 Coins

Finder: CraftCostSold 6 hours ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-2,791,102
FINE ONYX gem removed (x2)+18,170 Coins
Enchant strong_mana 6-3,040,121
Enchant ultimate_legion 4 upgraded-7,999,617
Enchant feather_falling 10-16,501
Enchant rejuvenate 5-309,653
Enchant protection 6-1,928,550
Enchant growth 6-2,798,090
Used 5x FUMING_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 15-6,129,998
Used SECOND_MASTER_STAR to upgraded upgrade_level to 7-23,134,403
Used FIRST_MASTER_STAR to upgraded upgrade_level to 7-13,529,950
Used 12x RUNE_ZAP to upgraded RUNE_ZAP to 3-18,000
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