Tracked flips of:itsredcandy

Total Profit:-120,299 Coins

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Blessed Pythagorean Potato Hoe
-120,299 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 7 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-418,200
crafting material JACOBS_TICKET x64-767,289
crafting material ENCHANTED_POTATO x256-121,036
FINE PERIDOT gem added-48,390
Enchant harvesting 6-1,446,702
Enchant turbo_potato 5-150,000
Enchant cultivating 7-5,748,651
Enchant replenish 1-789,031
Reforge blessed added-1,044,996
Slot unlock item FINE_PERIDOT_GEMx20-967,804
Slot unlock cost-50,000
Listing attempt 13900000-279,200
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