Tracked flips of:TannerNoNo

Total Profit:3,382,003 Coins

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Pitchin' Magma Rod ✪✪✪
+3,382,003 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 7 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-201,200
Enchant caster 6-95,007
Enchant charm 5-1,597,501
Enchant piscary 6-2,582,722
Enchant angler 60
Enchant luck_of_the_sea 6-20,020
Enchant blessing 6-500,001
Reforge pitchin added-98,690
CRIMSON essence x230 to add 3 stars-471,132
LUMP_OF_MAGMAx20 for star-994
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx1 for star-25,580
MOOGMA_PELTx20 for star-980
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx2 for star-51,161
PYROCLASTIC_SCALEx20 for star-6,268
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx3 for star-76,741
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