Tracked flips of:sunnybunny_1

Total Profit:409,199,981 Coins

Only auctions sold in the last 7 days are displayed here.
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Jumbo Backpack
-141,644 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-141,088

Heroic Hyperion
+409,341,625 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 4 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-60,628,974
crafting material GIANT_FRAGMENT_LASER x8-5,164,952
crafting material WITHER_CATALYST x24-26,393,232
PERFECT SAPPHIRE gem added-13,578,190
PERFECT SAPPHIRE gem added-13,578,190
Enchant luck 6-1
Enchant critical 60
Enchant smoldering 1-2,500,005
Enchant looting 4-12,000
Enchant smite 7-9,000,000
Enchant ender_slayer 6-1,284,780
Enchant fire_aspect 3-192,559
Enchant vampirism 6-1,030,840
Enchant dragon_hunter 1-928,528
Enchant tabasco 3-2,427,579
Enchant thunderlord 7-5,346,598
Enchant ultimate_wise 5-2,140,616
Enchant titan_killer 6-128
Enchant champion 1-5,149,538
Enchant lethality 6-58,640
Used 15x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 15-1,266,825
Slot unlock cost-250,000
Slot unlock item FLAWLESS_JASPER_GEMx1-5,800,339
Slot unlock item FLAWLESS_SAPPHIRE_GEMx1-1,903,281
Slot unlock item FLAWLESS_RUBY_GEMx1-1,588,811
Slot unlock item FLAWLESS_AMETHYST_GEMx1-1,835,700
Slot unlock cost-250,000
Slot unlock item FLAWLESS_SAPPHIRE_GEMx4-7,613,124
Used THE_ART_OF_WAR to upgraded art_of_war_count to 1-7,642,044
WITHER essence x150 to add star-429,900
WITHER essence x300 to add star-859,800
WITHER essence x500 to add star-1,433,000
WITHER essence x900 to add star-2,579,400
WITHER essence x1500 to add star-4,299,000
Used SECOND_MASTER_STAR to upgraded upgrade_level to 7-20,510,929
Used FIRST_MASTER_STAR to upgraded upgrade_level to 7-14,733,472
Applied WITHER_SHIELD_SCROLL-253,465,530
Used RUNE_BLOOD_2 to upgraded RUNE_BLOOD_2 to 3-6,000
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