Tracked flips of:Bochenek12

Total Profit:-37,568,097 Coins

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Only auctions sold in the last 7 days are displayed here.
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Hollow Leggings
+94,800 Coins

Finder: SNIPESold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-5,200

Aurora Leggings
-9,150 Coins

Finder: SNIPESold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-4,150

Crimson Leggings
-33,100 Coins

Finder: MSNIPESold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-4,100

[Lvl 100->100] Baby Yeti
-4,791,200 Coins

Finder: ExternalSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,291,200

Necrotic Storm's Leggings ✪✪✪✪✪
-1,280,216 Coins

Finder: SNIPESold 4 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-661,200
crafting material GIANT_FRAGMENT_LASER x8-9,308,613
Enchant ultimate_wisdom 5-3,178,017
Enchant rejuvenate 5-463,682
Reforge Necrotic added-400,000
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-822,082
WITHER essence x1575 to add 5 stars-3,846,622
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Necrotic Storm's Boots ✪✪✪✪✪
-3,291,159 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 4 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-481,200
crafting material GIANT_FRAGMENT_LASER x8-9,308,616
Enchant ultimate_wisdom 5-3,178,017
Enchant rejuvenate 5-463,682
Reforge Necrotic added-402,557
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-826,207
WITHER essence x1200 to add 5 stars-2,930,880
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Loving Storm's Chestplate ✪✪✪✪✪
-2,966,714 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-841,200
crafting material GIANT_FRAGMENT_LASER x8-9,308,618
Enchant ultimate_wisdom 5-3,178,017
Enchant rejuvenate 5-463,682
Reforge Loving added-1,599,999
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-889,798
WITHER essence x2250 to add 5 stars-5,495,400
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Reaper Scythe
-1,778,616 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 6 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-901,200
crafting material SCYTHE_BLADE-9,000,000
crafting material REVENANT_VISCERA x64-5,456,217
crafting material REAPER_SWORD x2-10,800,000
Listing attempt 31000000-621,200
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Loving Storm's Chestplate ✪✪✪✪✪
-7,380,863 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 6 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-601,200
crafting material GIANT_FRAGMENT_LASER x8-8,768,588
Enchant rejuvenate 5-452,025
Reforge Loving added-1,344,364
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-846,986
WITHER essence x2250 to add 5 stars-5,717,700
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Necrotic Storm's Boots ✪✪✪✪✪
-2,184,311 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 6 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-361,200
crafting material GIANT_FRAGMENT_LASER x8-8,768,587
Enchant rejuvenate 5-452,025
Reforge Necrotic added-353,299
WITHER essence x1200 to add 5 stars-3,049,200
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Necrotic Storm's Leggings ✪✪✪✪✪
-4,664,340 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 6 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-451,200
crafting material GIANT_FRAGMENT_LASER x8-8,768,587
Enchant rejuvenate 5-452,025
Reforge Necrotic added-353,299
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-846,997
WITHER essence x1575 to add 5 stars-4,002,232
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[Lvl 1->65] Goblin
-9,283,228 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 7 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-361,200
Exp cost for 1964433.117727356 exp-1,852,608
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