Tracked flips of:EightyThreeSea

Total Profit:26,902,209 Coins

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Beacon V
+13,719,161 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 6 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,798,199
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x40-23,116,088
crafting material PLASMA x5-117,479
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x20-11,558,044
crafting material PLASMA-23,495
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x10-5,779,022
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x5-2,889,511
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Beacon V
+13,183,048 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 6 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,801,199
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x40-23,399,876
crafting material PLASMA x5-117,488
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x20-11,699,938
crafting material PLASMA-23,497
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x10-5,849,969
crafting material REFINED_MITHRIL x5-2,924,984
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