Total Profit:-136,962,405 Coins
Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -20,651,201 |
crafting material MAGMA_FISH_DIAMOND x4 | -85,052,540 |
crafting material MAGMA_FISH_GOLD x16 | -27,199,924 |
Recombobulator | -8,948,064 |
Enchant looting 4 | -2,951 |
Enchant expertise 8 | -12,342,777 |
Enchant luck_of_the_sea 6 | -200,000 |
Enchant ultimate_flash 1 | -5,350,001 |
Enchant caster 6 | -110,218 |
Enchant piscary 6 | -3,360,775 |
Enchant angler 6 | -2 |
Enchant blessing 6 | -3,765,005 |
Reforge pitchin added | -263,281 |
CRIMSON essence x1290 to add 7 stars | -1,872,951 |
LUMP_OF_MAGMAx20 for star | -1,154 |
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx1 for star | -20,754 |
MOOGMA_PELTx20 for star | -1,370 |
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx2 for star | -41,509 |
PYROCLASTIC_SCALEx20 for star | -1,348 |
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx3 for star | -62,263 |
CUP_OF_BLOODx50 for star | -9,320 |
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx40 for star | -830,180 |
FLAMING_HEARTx70 for star | -26,432 |
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx50 for star | -1,037,725 |
ORB_OF_ENERGYx80 for star | -1,002,720 |
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx60 for star | -1,245,270 |
HORN_OF_TAURUSx90 for star | -105,858 |
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx70 for star | -1,452,815 |
Cost for double_hook lvl 10 | -247,504,000 |
Cost for fishing_speed lvl 10 | -248,000,000 |
Listing attempt 620000000 | -15,501,200 |
Listing attempt 650000000 | -16,251,199 |
Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -27,200 |
Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -11,200 |
Finder: StonksSold 3 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -811,200 |
You can get flips further in the past with Premium.